Terms And Conditions

Before requesting any services offered by Fast Club Cab, it is essential that customers thoroughly review and comprehend the Terms and Conditions provided below. These Terms and Conditions will serve as the governing framework for any subsequent agreements.
If you find any part of this agreement unclear or have questions, we strongly recommend reaching out to our Customer Service before you finalizing any contractual arrangements.

I) Services

1.1. Utilizing its online platform, Fast Club Cab functions as an intermediary for organizing transportation services for both individuals and groups.

1.2. Upon formalizing this agreement, Fast Club Cab assumes responsibility for handling the necessary administrative tasks and guarantees its punctuality at the designated time and location as specified by the customer.

II) Online Hiring

2.1. The process of online booking occurs within a secure environment, ensuring confidentiality and ease in securing a high-standard service.

2.2. The contractual activation happens once Fast Club Cab confirms the receipt of payment and transmits transfer details to the client.

2.3. Acknowledgment of all notifications from Fast Club Cab is the responsibility of the customer. However, if the customer fails to acknowledge the receipt of an email, records existing in Fast Club Cab's email server will stand as evidence of receipt.

2.4. Confirmation sent by Fast Club Cab regarding credit card transactions and payments will not, on its own, constitute a binding contract with the client.

2.5. It is explicitly prohibited for minors to make bookings for any service offered by Fast Club Cab. Legal guardians or individuals responsible for minors should promptly contact us to facilitate immediate cancellation of the booking.

2.6. We strongly advise customers using the website to thoroughly review all the company's terms and conditions, meticulously checking their booking details and confirmations before submitting the purchase order. It is crucial, especially, to ensure the completion of all mandatory fields in the reservation marked by an asterisk (*).

III) Responsibilities

3.1. Fast Club Cab assumes the role of an intermediary for each transfer supplier, providing the buyer with an online booking service and ensuring the confidentiality of information entered on the website. However, Fast Club Cab disclaims responsibility for any damages resulting from the incorrect processing of data provided in the reservation.

3.2. Fast Club Cab cannot be held accountable for incidents occurring during the service, such as illness, injury, or death unless these are a result of its negligence. Claims for compensation due to accidents, illness, or death arising from shuttle service should be directed to the respective service provider, subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the country where the service was rendered.

3.3. Fast Club Cab is released from any responsibility if the client independently finalizes the contract directly with the service provider.

3.4. The accuracy or reliability of the content on this site cannot be guaranteed by Fast Club Cab due to potential occurrences such as viruses.

3.5. Fast Club Cab will take immediate action to rectify any identified mistakes. If any of these errors lead to a booking at an incorrect price or due to misleading advertising information, Fast Club Cab will terminate the contract without any charges.

IV) Changes and Cancellations

4.1. The email receipt sent by Fast Club Cab to the customer includes all requested information, including the hosting address. Any amendments must be submitted in writing via email to fcc@fastclubcab.com before the travel date. The customer is responsible for any additional service costs resulting from requested changes. Changes are subject to availability and approval by the supplier. The first or second change will be complimentary, while any subsequent change may incur an administrative fee of $20.00 (US Dollars).

4.2. Upon signing the contract, any errors noticed by the customer must be reported to us within seven (7) days before the commencement date.

4.3. Any cancellation of the contract must be in written form and sent via email to fcc@fastclubcab.com within 48 hours before the scheduled start date of the initial transfer service as indicated on the booking receipt. In this case, a 100% refund will be issued. However, if the cancellation occurs less than 48 hours before the first service date, no refund will be granted.

4.4.Fast Club Cab retains electronic documents and contracts. Customers can request these documents via email at fcc@fastclubcab.com

V) Contact Procedures

5.1. All communication regarding the provision or modification of the booking contract between users of our platforms and Fast Club Cab will be conducted exclusively via email at fcc@fastclubcab.com

5.2. In cases where unavoidable changes to the contract occur, Fast Club Cab will notify the customer via email sent to the address provided by the customer. The sending of this email serves as proof of its receipt by the customer. The same method applies to all other informational emails sent by Fast Club Cab. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that the provided email address is accurate and up to date. It is recommended to carefully read all emails before the scheduled trip.

5.3. If Fast Club Cab is unable to locate the client within 30 minutes of the specified schedule mentioned on the receipt, an attempt will be made to contact the customer via the provided phone number. If contact cannot be established due to an invalid number provided during reservation, lack of signal, poor call quality, inactive voicemail, or unanswered calls, the service will not be provided, and no refund will be issued to the customer.

VI) Declaration of Responsibility and Capacity

6.1.By entering into this agreement, customers implicitly confirm the following:

6.2. They are of legal age (18 years or older) and possess the mental capacity required to fulfill all legal responsibilities associated with this agreement.

6.3. Customers are knowledgeable about the scope of services covered by this agreement, the provided information, and the general conditions.

6.4. They affirm that the credit or debit cards provided in the contract belong to them and contain sufficient funds to cover the service costs.

6.5. Customers also commit to promptly informing Fast Club Cab about any changes or alterations in the information provided by them.

6.6. Services will be delivered based on the details specified in the email confirmation. Therefore, it is the customer's responsibility to print and verify the accuracy of the transfer confirmation. In the event of incorrect data confirmation, the customer must contact Fast Club Cab at fcc@fastclubcab.com immediately to rectify it. Fast Club Cab cannot be held liable for reservations that cannot be fulfilled, and no reimbursement will be provided for such reservations.

VII) Transfers

7.1. At the scheduled transfer time, the driver hired by the service provider will wait at the agreed location for up to 60 minutes after the flight's arrival if it's an international flight it's 90 minutes after the flight's arrival. At any other location, the waiting time is limited to 15 minutes from the agreed time.

7.2. If the customer cannot locate the driver upon arrival, it is the customer's responsibility to contact Fast Club Cab at +1 (321) 440-2200. Failure to contact this number within 60 minutes of the actual landing time without reporting the issue to Fast Club Cab will result in the cancellation of the transfer reservation with no refund. All calls made to the specified phone number will be electronically recorded by a third-party telecommunications provider and used as evidence in case of disputes about the calls made or not made.

7.3. Customers are responsible for confirming the agreed waiting time for the shuttle service and ensuring that their chosen arrival time at the airport allows them to arrive at least 10 minutes before the check-in desk opens (not closes), and in any case, no less than two hours before the scheduled flight departure.

7.4. Neither Fast Club Cab nor the service provider will be held responsible for delays caused by external forces or circumstances beyond their control, such as accidents on the transfer route, police inspections, terrorism, extreme weather conditions, heavy traffic, civil unrest, airport delays, or natural disasters. While efforts will be made to respect the arrival time, the selected round-trip itinerary to the destination cannot be guaranteed. The Google map displayed on the website is for informational purposes only.

7.5. When booking, it is the customer's responsibility to provide accurate information regarding the origin, destination, and accommodation. The service provider will endeavor to reach as close as possible to the provided address, considering access conditions and the type of vehicle used. In the event that the conventional route is closed due to weather or road accidents, the service provider, upon the customer's request, may take a longer route to reach the agreed destination, but any additional charges incurred will be the customer's responsibility.

are closed due to weather, road accidents, etc., the service provider will, upon the customer's express request, use a longer route to reach the agreed destination, but under this situation , the customer will be responsible for any additional charges.

7.6. All vehicles involved in the transfer agreement are covered by the liability insurance policy of the service provider.

7.7. If the customer intends to include minors (17 years old or younger) in the transport contract, they must inform Fast Club Cab before confirming the reservation. This is to ensure compliance with the necessary safety systems for minors as required by the current legislation.

VIII) Children’s seat

8.1. If the client fails to notify the necessity for a child seat as per the US legal requirement, and if the arranged transfer vehicle lacks this provision, the transfer will be canceled unless the client provides one. While these seats are typically available upon advance reservation, unforeseen situations like last-minute vehicle changes may occasionally result in unavailability. In such cases, a full refund for the seats not provided will be issued. If a client declines the transfer due to the absence of a child seat (if unavailable), they may provide their own and request a refund from our Customer Service.

8.2. Disabled passengers should have the capability to enter the vehicle either independently or with assistance from someone within their group.

8.3. Fast Club Cab cannot ensure the specific type of vehicle for the transfer. Unforeseen circumstances may necessitate the service provider to substitute the vehicle to fulfill the agreed-upon transfer.

IX) Baggage per person

9.1. Each passenger is entitled to carry one (1) bag or suitcase per person, along with hand luggage such as wallets and small-sized cases, unless additional items are specified during the booking process. All baggage must be securely labeled with the owner's name and destination address.

9.2. Any excess baggage, as well as large items like surfboards or wheelchairs, must be declared during the booking. The passenger is responsible for any charges incurred if an additional vehicle is needed to transport this extra baggage unless specified in advance.

9.3. The transportation of luggage and other belongings is solely at the customer's risk. In any event, Fast Club Cab cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages. The risk of loss or damage should be covered by personal insurance by the customer before the transfer commences.

X) Admistrative Procedures

10.1. The customer bears sole responsibility for ensuring they possess the necessary documentation to cross borders. Fast Club Cab will not bear any additional costs resulting from the absence of such documents or non-compliance with customs regulations, police, tax, or administrative requirements of the countries being entered. It's important to note that the transfer receipt is not a valid document for obtaining entry visas.

10.2. Should Fast Club Cab be required to pay fines to the authorities of other countries due to the customer's violation of laws, regulations, or other travel requirements in those countries, the customer will be held solely responsible for reimbursing Fast Club Cab. Fast Club Cab reserves the right to withhold any amount already paid until the customer provides proof of reimbursement for such fines or costs.

XI) Right of Refusal

11.1. By agreeing to this contract, the customer authorizes Fast Club Cab and its service provider to deny transportation to any passenger who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or whose behavior might be deemed hazardous to the vehicle's driver or other passengers.

11.2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages on board our vehicles is strictly prohibited.

11.3. Smoking inside our vehicles is strictly forbidden.

XII) Intellectual Property Rights

12.1. Fast Club Cab holds the copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights pertaining to our websites, safeguarded by national and international regulations governing intellectual property.

12.2. Third-party usage of our website's content for purposes other than reserving transfers, including modification, subsequent publication, reproduction, or full or partial representation, is strictly prohibited without the explicit permission of Fast Club Cab.

12.3. Any unlawful use of the Fast Club Cab website, irrespective of intent, is strictly forbidden in all circumstances.

XIII) Fast Club Cab Privacy Policy

14.1. The supplier is obligated to safeguard consumers' data and personal information, refraining from disclosing or transferring them to third parties without the consumer's explicit authorization.

14.2. Fast Club Cab employs "cookies" on its website to collect information concerning its use, connection details, server type, search engine (e.g., Google Chrome), and how potential customers discovered Fast Club Cab. This information is solely utilized by the company to enhance its marketing strategies, excluding personal internet user data.

14.3. Upon a transfer budget request, Fast Club Cab may request personal data from the customer, including email addresses and credit card details for correspondence and billing purposes. This data might also be used to reach out to customers with potentially relevant offers. Upon the customer becoming a Fast Club Cab client, the company may use the provided data from the booking process to offer future promotions and suitable deals.

14.4. By entering into a contract with Fast Club Cab, the customer authorizes the use of their personal information to execute the requested service and to send offers to their email address. The company may also employ this information to assess consumer response and satisfaction regarding the services offered. These offers might be based on initial input, surveys, preferences for purchases and lifestyles, and data available from authorized external sources like suppliers and marketing firms. These email offers are sent directly by Fast Club Cab in a format compatible with the customer's retrieved information email (HTML, graphics, etc.), and the obtained personal data is stored in an authorized database.

14.5. Fast Club Cab pledges never to enter into contracts, provide services, or send offers to underage individuals.

14.6. According to US law, the company is obligated to furnish customers with access to any personal information it retains. If a customer believes the information held by the company is incorrect or incomplete, a written notice should be sent to Fast Club Cab Customer Service, and the company will promptly rectify any errors. Customers can also submit a written request to cancel their file at any time.

4.7. Customers are advised that other sites accessed through the Fast Club Cab site may have confidentiality conditions that differ from those of our company.

14.8. Fast Club Cab adheres to these Terms and Conditions and disclaims any responsibility regarding the content or conditions of any linked site or affiliate.

14.9. If Fast Club Cab alters its internet policy concerning customer confidentiality, these changes will be outlined in these Terms and Conditions to ensure customers are fully informed and can respond accordingly.